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Tutorial: How to make a hat

You need a hat for your next cosplay and do not know where you should start? No problem! I explain to you in three easy steps how to make one.

For this tutorial you need:

- an easy cardboard ground (from packages or other packaging, approx. 3-4mm thickly) - foam (from 1$ shops) - all-purpose glue - a circle - scissor, pencil and paper - pins - 2 crocodile clips (amazon 50 pieces for 2$) - needle and thread (or the sewing machine)

Let's start!

Step one

First you need a pattern (I make mine always by myself). A hat exists of three parts total: the brim, the middle and the top cover. After you drew your pattern upon paper and cut it out, you transfer it on your material, the cardboard ground and the foam. What is important: from the brim pattern we need two fabric parts, from the foam and the cardboard only one. So cut out the brim pattern on your fabric twice. At the end you should have the following quantity of materials:

brim: 2x fabric, 1x foam, 1x cardboard

middle: 1x fabric, 1x foam, 1x cardboard

top cover: 1x fabric, 1x foam, 1x cardboard

Tip: If you fix the pattern with pins on the cardboard and the foam you will achieve equal cuts.

Step two

Next you glue the foam with the all-purpose glue on the cardboard. We use the foam around the cardboard to give even more stability, and to create a smooth surface. As soon as everything has firmly dried we make a small test and fit together all the pieces in once as a trial. If everything fits and has dried we can begin with the next step.

Step three

Now we can add the fabric on our hat base. Lay your parts centric on the fabric and make small incisions on the sides with a distance of 3-4 cm in the fabric so it won't hit waves and especially evenly lies. On this occasion, the pins help you. Pin your glued fabric into the cardboard. When everything's dry, pull them out of the cardboard and then you'll have therefore a cleanly result. At least we add the brim. Use your sewing machine (or needle and thread) and sew the outlines together. Now we pull our fabric coat about the brim and sew the insides together. Now your hat is finished and you can stick it together.

If you like a "cleaner" result you can also add fabric inside the hat. I don't do that because I do not have the time for that and also you don't see the inside of the hat, so who cares? For the final result we attach the two crocodile clips under the brim, so you can put the hat easy on your head and attach it on the wig. Finished!

I hope you liked that tutorial and I hope it will help you to create your own adorable hats! Until then,

- Doomfairy

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